by Sharon Luscombe - Counsellor
Out of the Ashes Counselling Australia
Bullying is never OK. When people are bullied it can effect them for a long time. But, there are things we can do when someone is bullying us. Today we're going to learn about the different types of bullying and what we can do about it.
Bullying is when someone is being mean to you, over and over again. They may say or do things to you just to be mean and it may make you feel like they are more powerful than you. Bullying can happen anywhere. It can happen at school, at home, at your sports club, on the school bus, when your'e with friends or when you're alone. But remember, it's never OK for someone to bully you.
Some of the ways people are bullied are;
Physically - This is when some one pushes you, trips you, hits you, pokes faces at you, breaks your things, spits at you, punches or hits you or makes rude hand signals at you.
Verbally - This is when the bully calls you names, threatens to hurt you, teases you or puts you down.
Cyber Bullying - This is when someone uses technology to send hurtful or mean messages. They can also send nasty pictures or comments to hurt you.
Socially - Social bullying is where the bully may say things about you that aren't true, not let you play with the group, lie about you or embarrass you on purpose.
So what can we do if we are getting bullied?
1. Ignore them.
2. Tell the bully firmly to STOP and then walk away.
3. Stand tall and show the bully that you're a person who deserves respect.
4. Tell your teacher if you're at school.
5. Tell an adult you trust.
6. Develop friendships. Having good friends can help you feel supported.