By Sharon Luscombe - Counsellor
Out of the Ashes Counselling Australia.
Stress....we hear about it all the time. But what is stress? Stress is emotional or physical tension. It is our bodies reaction to the demands or challenges around us. In short episodes it can be positive, for instance when it helps to keep us out of danger. However, long term stress can be very dangerous to our health. Some of the health dangers include, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, depression, heart disease, anxiety, menstrual problems, skin irritations, headaches....and the list goes on.
So how do we manage day to day stress so that we keep healthy and avoid the health issues that stress can bring?
Below we'll look at three ways to managing stress on a day to day basis.
#1 Relaxation Techniques -
There are many relaxation techniques, however, today we'll look at the belly breathing technique.
To really get the benefit from this technique is is important to sit somewhere quiet that is away from other people and distractions. As you sit, close your eyes and start to focus on your breathing. Slowly breathe in and then slowly out. As you continue this slow breathing, start to disengage your mind from thinking about distracting thoughts and sensations. Start to focus on your breath coming in and out of your lungs slowly. Gradually relax your body, muscle by muscle, while focusing on your breathing. This simple technique can be quite powerful if put into practice regularly and can be used anywhere, anytime.
#2 Meditation or Prayer -
The origin of meditation comes from Bible times where the people throughout the Bible were taught to sit and quietly reflect or contemplate what had been taught from the Scriptures and the goodness of God. Many different people groups and religions have since taken meditation and joined the practice to their own beliefs and cultures. However, the meaning of meditation is to reflect or ponder over. Whether or not you are a person of faith, you can still spend time quietly sitting somewhere with your eyes closed and empty your mind of distracting thoughts and focus on goodness, life, health, peace and if you believe, God.
#3 Activities You Enjoy -
This sounds so simple, but it is a great stress relief.
Do you love the beach, going for a bush walk, a run, a swim, a walk, the movies or spending time with family? Make time in your busy schedule to do something that you like to do, even if you have to schedule the time slot into your work diary, on a regular basis. You'll be amazed at how great you'll feel and the stress relief is very real.
Have a peaceful day...