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Managing Stress Naturally #2

Writer's picture: Sharon Luscombe Sharon Luscombe

Updated: Jun 22, 2022


Healthy Living,

by Sharon Luscombe - Counsellor

Out of the Ashes Counselling Australia

It's the old healthy food and exercise. It's everywhere! But is there more to it than we realize?

Today in the second part of our Stress Management series we take a good look at how our diet and exercise or lack there of, can effect our stress levels. And we'll also be looking at some good ways to incorporate some healthy changes that can be helpful in reducing stress.

There's been numerous studies completed on the effects of stress on the human body and how a diet lacking in good whole foods and a lifestyle of stress can lead to depression, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, fatty liver and many other ailments. Our bodies need good fuel to perform well, just like a car needs the right fuel. If we don't give our bodies all the goodness that they require, they will start to break down. That's a frightening truth that we need to take seriously!

Our diet and the way we keep active can effect our overall health, yes, but it can seriously effect the way we cope with and respond to the stress in our lives. A diet high in processed foods, refined carbs and sugar, to say the least, will, not might, but will, cause health problems and cause challenges as we try to deal with day to day stress. These types of foods cause our sugar and energy levels to fluctuate so much so, that when the sugar levels are dropping, we lose energy, our moods change dramatically, we lose concentration and when stressful situations arise, we are unable to cope or respond in healthy ways. So how do we bring about some healthy changes?

Gradually, is the key.

# Take your lunch to work/school/uni etc.

# Prepare your own meals instead of buying takeaway foods.

# Take the time to think about and plan the meals you might enjoy over the following week, write them down and make up your shopping list with the ingredients you need.

# Make time to be active each day or at least a few time a week.

# Say goodbye to sugar.

# Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume.

Healthier Options;

A diet high in vegetables, a little fruit such as berries, sources of protein such as oily fish, beef, lamb and chicken, whole full fat dairy, seeds and nuts (not peanuts), olive oil and coconut oil (both raw and cold pressed), herbs and spices and lots of water each day, is the start to a healthier lifestyle. Avoiding breads, pasta and rice can also help in controlling spikes in sugar levels, bloating and help in controlling our weight, naturally. Research has shown that including salmon, berries and lentils in our diets can have quite a good effect on our bodies when we are stressed. It's a proven fact that some foods actually equip our bodies with certain nutrients that help us manage stress more efficiently. That's right, it's not a fad diet, it's the way you live and the choices you make that make it healthier.

Move that Body;

As well as healthier food options, we also need to keep active. Does that mean we need to hit the gym? No. If that is something you enjoy , go for it. But the main aim is to be active in a way that you enjoy. This way you're more likely to stick to it. There are many ways to be active, but always see your GP first , especially if you've never exercised before. After your GP has given you the green light, think about activities you might enjoy and how often you might like to participate ( 2-3 times per week is ideal to start). Some common activities are;

# Walking.

# Bush walking.

# Swimming.

# Riding a bike.

# Gardening.

# Gym memberships.

# Boxing.

# Joining a sporting club of your choice. (PCYC in Australia have many choices for sports/exercise groups that are relatively inexpensive).

# Bowling.

# Golf.

# Tennis.

The list is endless, but it must be something you enjoy. Many find it helpful to have an exercise partner. This helps us be accountable to our goals.

These changes, if gradually implemented into your lifestyle, will bring about a healthier you. Always give yourself time to adjust to a healthier way of living, patience is key. Changes take time and the results will not happen over night, however, results will come if you're persistent. Not only will you feel a lot healthier, you will notice changes in your mood being more stable and in the way you respond in stressful situations.

If you require assistance in any area that we've spoken of today in this blog, we'd be more than happy to help. As always, don't do life alone, call us at Out of the Ashes Counselling for an appointment on 0431433690.

Photo by Nick Dietrich on Unsplash

Photo by Nadine Primeau on Unsplash


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